Friday, March 11, 2011

[Review] Jarvan IV

Just some more thought on Jarvan.

I've tried going all kinds of builds - tank, dps, hybrid. And I ended up using this hybrid most of the time. It just seems most effective. First I take doran's shield (+HP regen quints) for some very nice regen so I can stay on lane longer. Then I rush Ghostblade which I think is must have for all melee dpsers. Then I buy Randuin's Omen which is imba item. That way I have 2 on-use items, both very powerful. And then I just go tank ish if they have some imba nukes or dps if i know I can survive abit.

Some people have tried jungling with him and it seems to work for them, but I didnt have any success. Here's a video on him jungling.

Anyways I really enjoy playing him and I think he's a good buy (4,8k IP).


  1. I've never played league of legends before, if I start, what would you think the easiest build would be so start with? I was thinking maybe something with high dps, but not sure...

  2. He looks like a frikkin tank to me! Holy crap!

  3. cool! i have some friends who are completely addicted to LoL. i'll show them your blog. maybe they'll like it ;D

  4. one of my friends say that your blog is awesome.

  5. It looks amazing! like warcraft3 and i love this. thanks.

  6. never played this game, looks nice

  7. I'd say either pure buffer or high regen is your best bet.

    Look for items/upgrades tending in either of those directions.

  8. Looks good Id like to check this out actually
